Introduction to the AGM 2012 Report
The NAMCA Annual General Meeting | 2012
Andrew Mungoma | Vice President . NAMCA
Edward Wanda | NAMCA | New York
For an organization such as ours, time is of the essence.
And in our books, delay is, indeed, the enemy of progress.
However, we also acknowledge that, like the NAMCA
president eloquently laid out, things are moving, albeit
slowly. That’s why we are pleased that this report on the
activities of December 2012 is finally out.
I must applaud all who participated towards the realization of NAMCA conference in Mbale Uganda that
took place between the 21st and the 22nd December 2012. This historic conference, marking 10 years,
sought to celebrate the goals of cementing the relationship between the Diaspora and the home local
Hopefully, it will be a tool for us to grow our membership, to stridently push for more development amongst
the BaMasaaba, and perhaps, follow the example of
those who are putting their money where their mouth is:
Here, I am talking about doing more to benefit people on
the ground.
I characterize this conference as historic and successful because it was the first of its kind and did
realize the ultimate objectives that informed the
creation of NAMCA. The idea of a BaMasaaba association was crystallized in the first formal conference
that took place in New York, at the Armonk Ramada
Hotel. This is where the name and constitution of
the organization was first given.
And from that perspective, this report is unique. It is a
story told by one of our own: Edward Wanda. He has
eloquently captured the essence of the AGM in a way
that not only inspires, but also reminds us of why we do
what we do.
Hence, without much ado, we present our AGM Report
for 2012.
The Ramada Inn, Armonk, NY
The goals were to affect the lives of Bamasaba in the
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