Annotated Bibliography number 1 | Page 3

Are the Victorians Still with Us?: Victorian Sensation Fiction and Its Legacies in the Twenty-First Century by Beth Palmer




In this article, the author describes the importance of the “modern” print culture in the Victorian era and in the neo-Victorian period. Thanks to technology and many others aspects as industrialization; sensation fiction novels took an important place in literature and it has influenced a lot of people. This paper gives many examples of how sensationalism affected some neo-Victorian texts and how it has changed in our time. Also, that sensation fiction left a legacy in print culture.

This paper is excellent because it is an academic paper and that it makes it reliable. This article is helpful because it talks about the neo-Victorian period. Furthermore, Twenty-First Century has been influenced by the Victorian era and it still being that way. This information can be used to understand how this period has inspirited many people in our time. The article states that Victorians still with us even though the Victorian era has finished and this information can be true. As an example of this, we can see it in literature, infrastructure, t.v shows, movies and more. We are so into in this period because we have been bombarded with too much information about this era that few people think that it has not ended up. Some people cannot leave this period end, so they bring things that were in the Victorian era and insert them in the modern life with the excuse that they are classic.