Annas Cosmetics Some More Tips On How You Can Look Younger | Page 3

THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT JUVEDERM  Juvederm is a cosmetic filler that uses hyaluronic acid to make the skin plumper and fuller. Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is found naturally in the human body. and coupled with the fact that these compositions in the body reduces as we age, then comes the need to replace them. Since the hyaluronic acid is created by biosynthesis in a laboratory, Juvederm is ideal for all skin types. Patients don’t need to carry out any allergy tests prior to receiving treatment.  One of the many benefits of Juvederm injections is that they produce longer lasting results when compared to other derma filler made from collagen. More so, Juvederm is perfect for men and women, who would like to augment their lips, reduce wrinkles and improve the appearance of facial lines.