Gathering Hymn
‘ Ave Maria ’ ( Italian )
Eulogy & Slideshow
Fr Benneth
Entrance Antiphon
All : Give them eternal rest , O Lord , and let perpetual light shine upon them .
Fr Velmia : In the name of the Father and of the Son , and of the Holy Spirit . All : Amen .
Fr Velmia : The grace of our Lord Jesus Chris , and the love of God , and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all . All : And with your spirit .
Opening Prayer
Fr Velmia :
All : Amen .
Let us pray : Loving God , you have called your daughter Anna from this life . Father , full of mercy , fulfill her faith and hope in you and lead her to safely home to heaven , to be happy with you forever . We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ , your Son , who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit , one God , forever and ever .