ANIMIZE Magazine Volume 2 Issue 6 November 2017 | Page 45

1 - First you need to break with the absurd idea that because you are a woman you can't do things, the idea of liberating yourself from what people expect from you is important, take away the belief that success means being alone because it’s not true!

2 - The perception that you have of yourself is key to be empowered as a woman, it’s important that you break the habit, break the pattern of behavior that stops you and makes you feel defeated, listen to your inner voice, believe in yourself, listen to your desires and be loyal to them, value your own voice, your intuition that is the best gift we have, speak up and enjoy who you are and what you want to achieve.

3 - Develop skills that allow you to negotiate, communicate, persuade, develop, manage, control, and stay strong, that is key! If you are strong and disciplined, if you know your objective and you prioritize your decisions for the benefit of the majority you are on the right track.

4 - Have a strategy, for everything you want you need a plan to achieve it, set a goal and go for it.

5 - Be a leader, inspire other women to achieve what they desire, inspire them with your example, be generous, do not compete with anyone, know what makes you different, unique and take advantage of your individuality because that will take you where you want to be.

We need more women and men empowered in this world, we need more people fighting for their dreams and more people inspiring others, start now, start today!