ter watching this, what I felt is that this story is a
fresh one, unlike “Cooler’s second coming” or “Bio
Broly”, which even as a DBZ fan, bored the soul
out of me. The fight sequences are very well choreographed
and animated and kept me entertained throughout. As a
diehard Vegeta fan, it was good to see his powers reaching
a new domain in this movie which clearly implied that not
even Super Saiyan 3 Goku can kick the air out of the Saiyan
Prince’s competitive spirit. And as a Dragon Ball Z fan, I
feel if it were not for the mediocre DB: GT, Toriyama could
have built a sequel to DBZ based on events after this movie.
Now I would like to mention about some of the negatives in
this movie. First, some characters like emperor Pilaf and all
could have been avoided because Pilaf and Goku’s other
old time nemeses can now never match up to the potential
of our veteran heroes. But if the creators were aiming for
a Dragon Ball world “get together” then they have hit the
spot. Another instance which I felt needed more perfection
is the new saiyan transformations which could have been
more ecstatic.
Keeping the miniscule cons aside, this is definitely worth
the watch and in future I would be surely seeing this again
when I get nostalgic about the Dragon Ball world. And I
personally feel they release the English dubbed version also
soon since countless fans outside Japan grew up watching
the English speaking Goku and it’s a bit hard to hear him
in the Japanese version without feeling that something is
Anime Reign | Issue 2 | 2013
Page 34