I don’t think
I’ve ever seen
anywhere before.
There are times
when watching a
Shinkai film when
I wonder how it’s
even possible that
a human being can
create animation
of such surpassing
beauty, and
Kotonoha no Niwa is certainly no exception. The Garden of
Words is probably the most beautiful animated film
I’ve ever seen. In terms of background detail, fluid animation,
exquisite and seamless use of CGI and sheer style, it sets a new
standard even for this director. From the beginning to the end,
I found myself catching my breath from time to time, from the
sheer beauty of this work.
The film is entirely atmospheric and full of ambient
sounds of nature. But above all there is the sound of rain. This
film is absolutely drenched in water. Rain is the true star of
the film. Rain is the “code” that enables the two to meet. Rain
is what transforms the garden from a tourist trap to an isolated
space in which two kindred souls find themselves meeting.
Rain is undiscriminating in where it falls, and who it falls upon.
And rain, of course, provides the opportunity for some of the
most stunning and detailed imagery yet.
Anime Reign | Issue 2 | 2013
At times, we even find rain taking the place of
words. Indeed, Th Rv&FV