well-executed show, the director and his team tried
to balance both the gameplay and the characters
who were involved in the game. While the game is
not action-heavy, when one is watching the anime it
feels that every card that is hit is like a shot that
is fired, providing the anime a heavy momentum. The images of
flying cards and scattered sakura petals along with the sparkling
and bright atmosphere will leave you feeling all – beware –
mushy and sentimental.
Music: Even though Chihayafuru is a game anime, the
music evokes a rush of poetic visuals. The m u s i c
changes from playful innocence to stressed
pressure as the games progress. Sometimes,
during moments of introspection, the
music disappears and this often provides
a strong insight into the character
along with the increase in the tension
and drive. The music mirrors the
passions and the hesitations of
the characters at apt situations.
conclusion: It is the anime’s
pace that gives enough time for
characters to develop. Without
any flashy moves, the anime’s easy
elegance paves the way for great
games. However, the anime might
be slow-paced and the ‘kirakira’
or sparkling characters may remind you
vaguely of kimi ni todoke. The pacing acts
as a double-edged sword. While the slow
pace may put you off, it will eventually pay
But Chihayafuru is for the anime fan who is
willing to invest time and patience. It is not for those
who are looking for fast-paced action or sudden lifealtering moves. Yes, and the manga is still ongoing. So if
you’re hoping for some concrete end in terms of ranking
and a finale to the love triangle, you’re better off watching
a tear-jerker romance anime. But this is your anime if you’re
looking for some solid second-hand characters with
good backstories, full-fledged matches, and insight into
game-playing strategies.
Anime Reign | Issue 2 | 2013
Page 11