Animatio review-$26,800 bonus & discount Animatio Review and $30000 Bonus - Animatio 80% DI | Page 7
You simply download and install Animatio plugin the same way you would any other…
(Fully tested to work with other plugins, Themes and Page Builders)
Pick The Page You Want To Animate
Simply find the Page you want to edit click on Animatio…
Use Animatio live page App to edit any page element you like in real time and without
having to visit page admin… Edit, Animate and re-vamp the whole page in minutes.
Select the Effect You Want
Click on the animation you would like, choose the element… Animation, Sound Effect or
Voice Template. You can even customize all of the effects to fit what you want it to do.
Adjust timings
Set the timing of each / any element to suite your page… Set delays, Set Pixel Scrolls (so
animation take place as your visitors scroll down your page.
Apply and Save
When you are happy with the effect for that element, just click ‘Save’ and now your
effect is instantly ready to draw in the attention of your visitors.
Then just sit back and watch your engagement skyrocket and your profits increase as
people focus on your main message and call-to-actions.
Who Should Use Animatio?
Animatio is designeed for Affiliates, Internet Marketers, Product Owners, CPA
Marketers, Bloggers… Everyone.
Will this work for ‘Newbie’ Affiliates?
Absolutely… Animatio is one of the easiest ways possible to ensure your visitors read the
whole of your page.
They have made it so simple to use that anyone will be able to use it in minutes.
It doesn’t matter what theme or page builder you are using… simply add Animatio, visit
the page you want to animate.
You don’t even need to go to page admin… everything is done on the live page with a
couple of clicks
Are you a product Creator?