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Animatio – Unique Visual Impact App: Forces People to Read Your Page And Buy More... In Minutes Animatio is one of the easiest ways possible to engage prospects. What Is Animatio? Your website has a lot to do in order to capture your visitor's attention… which probably means you are losing money... But you can change that right now! Loss of engagement means lost profits. Your website visitors have seen hundreds of pages like yours in the past year. They land on your page, and quickly scan... they scan the copy or content you worked so hard on, or spent a great deal of money on, only to leave as nothing grabbed their attention and made them take a closer look. Their lack of engagement means that less people will see your message and your call to action, which result into a higher bounce rate… and fewer sales. In other words, nothing grabbed their attention so they didn’t read your page or see your call to action... So they didn't buy anything. Research has shown that one of the best ways to grab attention is Movement and Animation Draws. Visual Impact has helped us make Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars Online. Maybe you've tried different WordPress themes and page builders, many with great functionality. And they do the job, however you probably haven’t found anything that provides everything you need to really grab the attention of your visitors. However, most of us are not web designers or coders, so it can be frustrating at times. Changing or setting up new themes is hard work… switching to the latest page builder is a pain. Making changes takes time, know-how.... not to mention the cost. So Mark Bishop created Animatio for anyone who just wants it to be simple... Introducing: Animatio