Animal World 1 | Página 4

Lions belong to the family Felidae and it is known as Panthera leo Krugeri.The white lion lives in the occidental region of Timbavati, South Africa. They also live in the savannas, where the environment is humid, dry and they have a grass for sleeping, resting and playing.

They have characteristics which help them to attack and kill to its prey. The white lion has tooth and claws. These animals are kept in reservations and zoos because it is unlikely that they survive in the jungle by themselves. This is due to the fact that they have a striking colour.

There are not proper records, as there are less than 300 white lions around the world. The most famous feature is the mane of the males, especially in the young specimens. It gets darker with age until it reaches the dark brown. The males weigh between 180 and 251 kilograms, while the females weigh less, an average of 181 kilograms. They live up to 13 and 25 years.

It is one of the most precious species on our planet. His fur, ivory white, and his penetrating gaze make this animal one of the few considered as gods. It is one of the most precious species on our planet.