Animal Protection Policy Animal Protection Polic | Page 4

Other animal encounters you may experience on Inspired Adventures
Some of our travel partners use packhorses ( donkeys , mules or horses ) to assist carrying gear and equipment on our adventures . Inspired Adventures only condones the use of packhorses by travel partners who can provide evidence and robust policies that ensure the common problems associated with overloading , inadequate feed and poor quality or poorly maintained harness and tack are all avoided .
Animals should be well fed , sheltered , cared for and have enough space to exercise . Travellers should avoid feeding animals , even those that are owned by the community , as this encourages them to stray from their long-term food sources . Companion animals ( e . g . dogs , cats ) can transmit diseases such as rabies , so care needs to be taken during encounters with these animals . Horses , donkeys or camels should not carry more than half of their body weight and less in extreme hot weather or when undertaking steep inclines .
Animals are farmed all around the world . At Inspired Adventures , we believe these animals should be cared for in a manner that is appropriate to their needs . Animals must receive adequate food , water , shelter , exercise and medical care . Inspired Adventures is opposed to methods of husbandry that do not comply with these terms .
Inspired Adventures does not encourage travellers to pay for photographs with animals . In some cases , this can be considered begging , and encourage unregulated animal welfare practices and reinforce beliefs of tourists as endless sources of money .
With any animal encounter on your adventure , we encourage you to follow the guidelines of World Animal Protection and ask yourself :
• Does this animal have food and water ?
• Is there rest and shelter for the animals ?
• Is this animal in pain and suffering ?
• Is this ‘ natural behaviour ’ or is it cruelty ?
• Will I see animals in distress ?
Keep in mind these key points and always raise any concerns you have with your Inspired Adventures tour leader , local guide , or email info @ inspiredadventures . com . au .
Wildlife spotted around Zingchen , Ladakh , India
POLICY : ANIMAL PROTECTION 4 © 2018 Inspired Travel