Animal Protection Policy Animal Protection Polic | Page 2

What is animal welfare? Moon bear, Vietnam Animal welfare concerns the state of an animal’s body and mind, and the extent to which its wellbeing is satisfied. The universally accepted principles of animal welfare are known as the Five Freedoms. 1. Freedom from hunger or thirst by ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health 2. Freedom from discomfort by providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area 4. Freedom to express normal behaviours by providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal’s own kind 5. Freedom from fear and distress by ensuring conditions and treatment that avoid mental suffering 3. Freedom from pain, injury or disease by prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment We believe animals should be healthy, comfortable, safe, well fed and able to make choices and demonstrate natural behaviour. Our commitment to animal welfare Inspired Adventures does not support or promote any of the following tourism experiences: • Riding an elephant • Petting of lion or tiger cubs, walking with lions and lion hunting • Taking a photograph with wild animals such as lions, tigers and their cubs • Animal performances (dancing bears, dog or cockerel fighting, painting elephants, running with the bulls or any other festival that inflicts suffering to animals) POLICY: AN IMAL PR OTECTI O N © 2018 Inspired Travel • Purchasing souvenirs made from wild animals, including but not limited to: fur, ivory, teeth, rhino horn, turtle shell and endangered food products • Visits to aquariums or marine parks • Consuming unsustainable or endangered food products 2