Supporting Indiginous Content is Our Aim
Nneka Luke
The growth of the animation sector in Trinidad and Tobago over the last 15 years is due in large
part to the existence of the Animae Caribe Animation and New Media Festival. With an early and
consistent focus on youth development, many have been exposed to the excitement and viability
of animation as a career. FilmTT is pleased to once again be a top sponsor of Animae Caribe,
as the creation of content that audiences want to see is critical to the development of the film
and audio-visual sector into an industry. We look forward to participating in 6 days of education.
General Manager FilmTT
Celebrating Creative Arts is Our Mission
The faculty and students of UTT’s Academy for the Performing Arts send best wishes to the
Animae Caribe Festival on the occasion of its 15th Anniversary Edition! We are delighted to
be represented at the celebrations by our fine animation unit, and look forward to the ongoing
development of an excellent partnership.
Dr. Kwame Ryan
Director Academy for
Performing Arts UTT
Regional Support Has Positive Outcomes
Lisa Harding
Operarations Officer
Caribbean Development Bank.
The Caribbean Development Bank is extremely pleased to be a sponsor of the Animated Ideas
Bootcamp at the Animae Caribe Festival. Interventions such as these have the potential to
contribute to reducing high youth male and female unemployment in the Caribbean by providing
opportunities for capacity building training and strategic networking which can facilitate job
creation and promote entrepreneurship. Support to the creative industries is also critical for the
Region at this time, as we seek to diversify our economies and leverage the innovation and
creativity of our human resources.
Animae Caribe - Congratulations on 15 years of making a valuable contribution. We look forward
to 15 more.