Anger Anger | Page 39

28 Anger
Out of these four , anger , pride , attachment and greed , a person may favor one over the others and will therefore strengthen it by siding with it .
I will explain to you what overt ( sthool ) karma is . Do you ever become angry even though you do not want to be angry ?
Questioner : Yes .
Dadashri : You experience the consequences of your anger right away . People will say that you are foul tempered . Someone may even slap you , which means that you will suffer the consequences through being disgraced in some way or another . Anger is sthool karma . When you get angry , if you have the internal bhaav that anger is necessary , then this bhaav will be your account of anger for your next life . If however , your bhaav today is that you should not get angry and you have made a decision that you do not want any part of anger , even though it still occurs , you will not have bound anger for the next life . You will be punished for the anger , which occurs as sthool karma in this life , but even then it will not bind you in the next life . This is because in the subtle ( sookshma ) karma your resolve ( nischaya ) is not to get angry .
On the other hand , if a person does not get angry with anyone , but has the belief that one should use anger to sort people out , then in his next life he will be a very angry man . Therefore , the external anger represents sthool karma and the internal bhaav is the sookshma karma . Sthool karma do not bind new karma . They represent an effect . That is why I have presented this science to you in a different light . Until now , people have been led to believe that karmas are bound through sthool karma , and that is why they live in fear .