Anger Anger | Page 36

Anger 25
gunpowder ignites , it would start an explosion . When all the gunpowder is finished , the barrel becomes inactive again . That is how it is with anger . The volatile atoms of anger will ignite according to the law of vyavasthit ( Scientific circumstantial evidence ), and will explode in every direction . It is not called anger ( krodh ) if no taanto ( link of anger ) remains . It is called anger only when there is taanto associated with it . It is called anger when there is a feeling of burning inside . When this happens , the burning continues and it affects others also . This burning if manifested outwardly , is called kadhapo , and if one experiences internal burning and restlessness , it is called ajampo . Sulking occurs in both .
If people do not use angry words , then it does not hurt anyone . It is not just the anger that is expressed outwardly that constitutes anger , but also the smoldering one feels within . Tolerance is really twice the anger . Tolerance means to suppress continually . One will realize this when the spring of coil suppressed anger rebounds one day . Why should one have to endure this ? One merely has to bring about a solution through Gnan .
The intellect makes one emotional and Gnan keeps him calm . What would happen if a train running smoothly becomes emotional ?
Questioner : An accident would occur .
Dadashri : If it does not stay upright on the track , there will be an accident . Similarly , when a man becomes emotional , so many living organisms within him are killed . The moment anger arises , millions of lives are destroyed , but even then people maintain that they practice non-violence ( ahinsa or ahimsa ). People need to be aware that they are doing great violence when they become emotional and get angry .