Anger Anger | Page 29

18 Anger reason is clearly visible when one looks at his aim behind his anger. Even anger has been divided. It is a different anger when you get angry with your son when he is not paying attention to the business. God has said that when a father gets angry with his son for stealing money and other misd eeds, the father will bind punya. THE WAY MUSLIMS DEAL WITH ANGER Questioner : We take out our anger on the wife when we cannot get angry with the secretary or the nurses at the hospital. She gets the worst part of it. Dadashri : I tell people in satsang that when some men are reprimanded by their superiors, they vent their anger on their wives instead. So then I rebuke them and ask them why they are taking it out on their poor wives. I ask them why they do not fight with the person that scolds them instead of fighting with their wives. A Muslim friend of mine invited me to his home, so one day I went with him. He only had two rooms in his house. I asked him how he managed to live in such a confined space. I asked him if his wife ever bothered him. He said that sometimes his wife would get angry but he would not. If they both were to get angry at each other, how would they be able to sleep in the same room? And furthermore, he would not get even a decent cup of tea in the morning. He told me that he was happy to be with his wife, so how could he get angry with her. And when she got angry with him, he would pacify her by sweet- talking her. He said that he would fight outside the home, but never in the home. But our men (Hindus) on the other hand, would come home after receiving a mental thrashing outside and pass it on their wives.