Anger Anger | Page 22

Anger 11
Dadashri : No , but why do you not get angry in this situation ? It is because you do not see anybody there . Who will you get angry with ?
Questioner : But no one has thrown the stone .
Dadashri : And if you were to go out now and a little boy throws a stone at you , you will get angry with him . Why ? Because you believe that the boy threw the stone at you . However , if a stone rolls down a hillside and hits you , you will look around but you will not get angry .
You become angry because in your mind you feel that a person is responsible . No one is able to hurt another person knowingly . Whether a boy throws a stone at you or whether a stone accidentally falls on you , it is essentially the same thing . It is an illusion that makes you perceive that someone is responsible for it . In this world , no man has the independent power over even his own bowel movements .
We do have control over anger . When we realize that no one has thrown the stone that falls from the hillside , we do not get angry . And when you say , “ Anger overcomes me ,” it really does not . If it did , then why do you not react in the same way when a stone fall on you ? Why don ’ t you get angry when a policeman tells you off , yet you get angry with your wife , with the children , with the neighbors , and with those working under you ? Why don ’ t you get angry with your boss ? Anger does not just happen to people . People get angry because they want to have their own way .
Questioner : How can one control it ?
Dadashri : The control is present . Recognize that the person who throws the stone at you is merely your nimit ( someone instrumental ) who is bringing to you , the effects of your past karma . When you see a stone falling from a hill , your anger does not arise . In the same manner , here too you should