Anger Anger | Page 20

Anger 9 someone then from within you divert that anger and calm it down. If one were able to reach this stage, his worldly interactions would become very pleasant. The other kind of anger is one that cannot be diverted anivarya. One tries very hard to prevent it, but from within the explosion still occurs. Such anger is anivarya. This anger injures the person himself, as well as others. God has allowed a certain level of anger for the sadhus (sages, monks) so that they may uphold the austerity of their conduct, as long as it does not hurt anyone. ‘My anger can hurt only me and not anyone else.’ This much anger has been permitted. RECOGNIZE THE KNOWER Questioner : We all know that anger is bad, but still… Dadashri : It is like this : The one, who is angry, is not aware of the anger. The one, who is greedy, is not aware of his greed and the one who is arrogant is not aware of his pride. The ‘knower’ is completely separate from all of these weaknesses. People inquire why weaknesses still occur even when they are aware of their weakness. Now, who is it that says ‘I know’? They do not know the answer to this. They are not aware of who the ‘knower’ is. This is what one must discover. If one can unearth the ‘knower,’ then all of his weaknesses will dissipate. It can only be called true knowledge, when all the weaknesses are destroyed. KNOW THE CORRECT SOLUTION JUST ONCE Questioner : I still become angry even though I know that it is wrong to become angry. What is the solution? Dadashri : Who is it that knows? If you had the real knowledge just once, there would be no anger. But because you still become angry, it means that you do not know. There is ego in your saying that you know.