Anger Anger | Page 15

4 Anger
is necessary in this world , I would respond by telling him that there is never a reason for anger . Anger is a weakness and that is why it happens spontaneously . God has called it a weakness . God has said that a real man is the one who has no weakness of ego , anger , greed , or attachment whatsoever . These men that you see around you are weaklings , because they have no control over their anger and they do not know how to deal with it . Anger , ego , attachment , and greed are all obvious weaknesses . Can you not feel your body tremble when you get angry ?
Questioner : Even the body is saying that anger is not good .
Dadashri : Yes , even the body tells us that it is wrong when it trembles . So , one should consider anger to be a great weakness .
Questioner : If we see a man beating a child , should we not voice our anger at him ?
Dadashri : He will not stop the beating even if you do get angry . Why would you get angry with him ? He may beat you too . Talk to him calmly and explain to him that it is a weakness to react in anger .
Questioner : Then should we let him continue to beat the child ?
Dadashri : No , but you should ask him why he is beating the child . Try to make him understand . If you get angry with him , then this anger is your weakness . First and foremost , you should not carry the weakness within you . Those that do not have any weaknesses , have impressive personalities . When such people utter even a single word , everyone will listen to them readily .
Questioner : Perhaps they may not . Dadashri : They would not listen to you because you