About the Author : Isabel Orellana de Chang is a busy mum of two who , since her son ’ s diagnosis of Angelman Syndrome , has become passionate about learning all she can about healthy living . She applies nutritional therapies and keeps a toxin free home to maximize her son ’ s health and developmental potentials . She enjoys converting recipes to her family ’ s needs for maximum nutrition and healing . She loves doing research and sharing what has worked best for them as a family in order to help other special needs families . She juggles her time between her family , her business Guatebaby . com and the magazine Angelman Today . Isabel hosts the Facebook Group Angelman Syndrome & Alternative Health Approach supporting interested families in improving their Angels ’ health and development . Her book Healthy Living for Special Needs will be coming out this summer .
Helpful links : http :// online . wsj . com / article / SB10001424052748704893604576200393522456636 . html http :// www . naturalnews . com / gluten _ intolerance . html http :// www . mindbodygreen . com / 0-7482 / 10-signs-youre-gluten-intolerant . html http :// www . huffingtonpost . com / dr-mark-hyman / gluten-what-you-dont-know _ b _ 379089 . html http :// www . celiac . com / http :// www . celiaccentral . org / non-celiac-gluten-sensitivity /
Some helpful tips to remember when meal planning :
-Always keep it simple -Fruits , Veggies and Meats are naturally Gluten Free
Today July edition www . angelmantoday . com