Angelman Today January / February edition 2014 | Page 39

choose goat product or unsweetened non dairy products over cow products. Most of the processed foods contain preservative and coloring, avoid all of them too. The LGIT diet will help a lot for angels who wake up at night. The complex carbohydrates with the perfect ratio of fat and protein help temper blood sugar fluctuation and with the frequent small meals it can help reduce GERD. Children can wake up at night when they have hypoglycemia. It is a natural brain alert to wake up if the blood sugar level is too low. When this happen try to feed your angel with a nutritious meal. A mix of coconut cream with peanut butter or seeds, an avocado or a drink with warm coconut milk and coconut oil with a tsp of coconut flour. It happens with Max from time to time. It can be the result of a growth spur, a very busy day or a change in temperature. A good night sleep is essential for the brain. Many studies are calling sleep the detoxifier of the brain. We all know the effect of a bad or poor night of sleep. Our children are prone to seizures and the lack of sleep lowers their immune system making them more fragile in case of infection. Walnuts are full of protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, -excellent brain food. Chop finely in a food processor and sprinkle over cereal or yogurt for those that do not chew very well. *Always check food allergies to nuts. Do not give if allergic or sensitive to nuts. Wonder why many of our Angels love bananas? I hope these little tips can help you to regulate your angels sleep. We do also have a plan B and C: Use a DVR in the bedroom with a timer and keep your earplugs within reach. WWW.ANGELMANTODAY.COM They are rich in potassium, also a good source of vitamin B6, which is needed to make melatonin. January / February 2014