Angelman Today January / February edition 2014 | Page 34
Why don't more doctors suggest dietary
therapy as a first and safe option for seizure
"My guess is lack of awareness and maybe they
do not want to change what they have always
done, which is prescribe medication, the evidence
is there to support dietary therapy. We are looking
into preparing a package of material to help
educate other dietitians".
Another person who is willing to help is Angel
Mamma Sybille Bellamy. She has created a
facebook page dedicated to what she is calling
the Angelman Syndrome Diet. She shares the
recipes she uses for her son Max who has been on
the diet for years. She also shares important dietary
info and articles.
For an example, Sybille has listed a meal plan of 1
day for Max on LGIT.
Here is the publication available on PubMed.
Dr. Thibert is hopeful that this information will get
out into our community and more people will use
the Low Glycemic Index Treatment to reduce
seizures. 80-90% reduction is astonishing! In my
humble opinion, if your child with Angelman
Syndrome or any seizure condition for that matter
is still having seizures, you should try this diet!!
It breaks my heart every time I hear of someone
in the hospital with suffering with seizures. We
see the same thing every time... Doctor's don't
know the cause, they check levels of medication
in the body or do an EEG and in the end they just
prescribe more medicine. Been there, done that
too many times with Nathan! It wasn't until I took
his diet into my own hands, armed with the right
information an excellent team of physicians that
understand the importance of diet and made it
happen!! You can too! Dr. Thibert is willing to
help each and every one of you!
Contact: Dr. Thibert Office Phone: 617-726-6540
Pediatric Epilepsy Program, 175 Cambridge
Street, Suite 340 Boston, MA 02114-2796
Morning breakfast: 2 tbs steel cut oatmeal cook in
coconut cream. 1 table spoon of manna coconut
1tbs of coconut oil 1tbs of mix seeds-hemp, chia,
sesame, flax seeds and 1 tbs of walnut butter.
Drink is herbal tea with coconut oil.
At school Max drinks herbal tea with MCT and a lot
of water with lemon juice.
Lunch: 3 tbs of sheep yogurt, 2 tbs of grated apple,
1 tsp grated carrot, 1/2 avocado, 1tbs almond butter,
1tsp of MCT.
Nurse give him MCT (medium chain
triglyceridearound) 2 pm 5ml at school.
Afternoon snack: home made almond milk, 1tsp
coconut flour, cinnamon and 4 strawberries.
Dinner: Vegetable soup- kale, spinach, carrots,
onions, with one egg, grass fed butter, goat cheese.
He likes to drink before bed- coconut milk with 1/2
tsp of coconut flour. Max drinks a lot of water.
I hope you find this info helpful on your journey of
helping your loved ones achieve the healthiest lives
possible. We may not yet have a cure for AS, but we
have these therapeutic diets to help us against life
threatening seizures.
Does your Angel have seizures?
Are you interested in starting the LGIT, but have some questions?
Here is your chance to get those questions answered. In the next edition of Angelman Today, Dr. Thibert will
answer your questions about the Low Glycemic Index Treatment.
There are a few ways you can participate; Email your question to [email protected]
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