Angelman Today January / February edition 2014 | Page 31
The Israeli Angelman Syndrome Foundation was established in
2012 with the aim of consolidating the efforts carried out in Israel
to improve the lives of people with AS by promoting early
diagnosis, research, treatment and training. The foundation is
designed to provide services to all Israeli children with AS and
their families
We seek to advance the awareness, understanding and treatment
of AS, with the ultimate goal of finding a cure. We offer
consultancy and mental support for AS families. We hold social
gatherings for AS families in holidays and weekends with the hope
of giving these families support and hope. To this end, we feel it is
important to cooperate with AS organizations around the globe,
share databases and information and actively participate in
research and trials
The Israeli AS clinic operates within the Pediatric Neurology
institute of the Sheba Medical Center in the city of Tel-Aviv.
Children with AS are treated by a dedicated team of physicians
including a psychiatrist and a nutritionist, led by a pediatric
neurologist. The clinic applies a multidisciplinary approach to
address the main clinical issues of AS, including seizure and
movement disorders, speech difficulties, sleep disorders,
hyperactivity and attention disorders, in addition to other
behavioral and Orthopedic concerns. The Sheba AS clinic aims to
conduct a dedicated research and clinical trials on AS and to
collaborate with AS centers worldwid
Over the last year we have held two scientific symposiums with
various presenters in the areas of neurology, speech therapy and
psychology, as well as lawyers specializing in social security