Angelman Today January / February edition 2014 | Page 21

The Gift of Helplessness A touching story by Karen De La Fuente There was a Meeting in Heaven. Several angels and other souls were present, along with the usual Council members. It was time to prepare some souls for their journeys on Earth. Several Council members spoke about various topics, in hopes that these unique souls would truly grasp the missions that they were about to undertake. “When you first emerge in your physical form, you will still feel very connected to This Side; which, ironically they call the Other Side.” (A low chuckle ran through the room.) “As time goes by – and it goes by very differently from the way it passes here – you will find that the fine line between Here and There becomes thicker, harder to penetrate. Your memory of this time and this place will grow dim, until it becomes merely a notion that you actually “belong” somewhere else – somewhere better. This happens to all souls that inhabit physical bodies. You won't even notice it happening.” “But, in your cases, there will be a difference. Because of the extraordinary lives that you will live, the fine line won't be quite as thick as it is for most humans. You will much more easily maintain contact with angels and spirit beings, and This Side. There is a reason for this – not only will your needs be different during your lifetimes, but your missions there are unique, as well. Hence, the blessing of never feeling completely out of touch with True Reality. Most humans end up believing that Earth life is Reality. In fact, This Side is Reality – Earth life is Fiction. You, the few, will be able to recall this when your lives are difficult, and your trials numerous. This blessing, we grant unto you all.” As the meeting wore on, the time eventually came for each soul to receive a Personal Blessing before departing the vast Glory they knew so well, for the unknown and untried territory of Earth life. One by one, they sat in the Seat of Blessing, and received the Gifts that that would help them most in life. They understood that this happens to all souls – but that their Gifts would be unique and enhanced – magnified, if you will. Finally, there was one soul left to bless, and send on his way. Three angels who were magnificent beyond description stood behind the Seat of Blessing, and gestured to the soul, who approached with humility and grace. He was so excited to be on his way to Earth life, and the experiences that awaited him there! He sat humbly in the Seat, and bowed his head slightly, as he felt the angels lay their hands upon his head – the Chief Angel among them speaking in a deep, gentle, yet powerful voice. The angel continued.