Q. What advice would you give to someone who wants to own a clothing boutique? A. You have to work in this environment for a good solid ten years to know what it's like. Learn season to season, the cycles you go through, changes in the economy, the recessions, the good times and the bad times. Changes in trends. Q. Where would you like to see Pink House in five years? A. I'd love to open more stores in different cities and not just in Arizona. I'd love to increase our online presence. Q. How does your faith tie into all of this, your business, you, everything? A. Times where I don't know which way to go or which way to turn, I have to stop and find strength, direction and somehow get the ability to go on. I'll be down sometimes and it's hard to find the strenght within myself but I'll go talk to someone else and through their faith, it can pick me up and reinspire me.
(Pictured, Danica Coral)
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