Angela Lakwatsera goes to Dingalan, Aurora December 2020 | Page 5

The province of


Dingalan, formerly just a barrio, was created a municipal district within the municipality of Baler in 1956. It was declared a town in 1962.

Early settlers recounted that Dumagat tribes inhabited the territory now known as Dingalan. The names of most landmarks and places in this municipality were said to have been given by the aborigines. It is believed that the name ― Dingalan is a Dumagat word which means by the River of Galan because the territory straddles fifteen (15) rivers and streams which show the abundance of water.

Due to its proximity with Aurora's capital, Dingalan has been pushing to be included in Nueva Ecija instead since the 1990s as services from Palayan City is closer.

It is a small town with one main cemented road with branching alleys.

Further south of the town proper are the barangays of Aplaya, Butas na Bato, Matawe, Ibona, Dikapanikian and Umiray. The premier barangay north of the town is Paltic. All of the barangays are located on the seashore, except for Poblacion and two barangays located in the mountains. The whole town is mountainous due to the Sierra Madre Mountains. The Umiray River separates the town from Quezon Province.

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The Municipality of Dingalan