Ang Kalatas October 2015 Issue | Page 9

THE MESSAGE. BRINGING INTO FOCUS FILIPINO PRESENCE IN AUSTRALIA | Volume 6 Number 1 | OCTOBER 2015 COMMUNITY AMFOP: Bringing HOPE to the Philippines THE Australian Masonic Friends of the Philippines (AMFOP) held its annual general meeting last month at the Bankstown Sports Club to elect its new set of officers and outline programmes and projects for the coming year. AMFOP president for 2015-16 is Antoine Georges. The group was conceptualised by civic minded Freemasons of NSW and the ACT and open to private individuals to help the Philippines in the rebuilding of schools and hospitals, providing livelihood and wellbeing of the families ravaged by typhoons. In May, the group sent a 40 footer container of school supplies: a 1,000 student desks and chairs, books, more medi- cal equipment and other medical supplies was successfully delivered to Bantayan Island in Cebu, Philippines and was received by Mayor Ian Christopher Escario. AMFOP first delivered ‘Hope’ last October 2014, when Antoine Georges, Manny Maniago, Roland Ocampo and Tom Baena visited Cebu and Bantayan Island and brought with them donations that included a portable mechanical ventilator, amalgamator and light cure machine. The replacement value of the ventilator is $55,000 in Australia, while the amalgamator and light cure machine are estimated to cost $7000 and $2000, respectively. The donated equipment was accepted by Cebu Governor Hilario P. Davide III. Aside from the Medical supplies, fifteen (15) mini Fishing boats were also distributed to poor fishermen in Bantayan Island. At the AGM, the newly elected officers already set their plans to bring HOPE again to the island thru another 40 footer container of hospital beds, wheelchairs, medical supplies that can equip a medical, dental and optome- trist clinics in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Sydney. Apart from Mr. Georges, other officers are; Dr. Abraham Constantin as VP; Rey Porras, secr ]\