Ang Kalatas October 2015 Issue | Page 6

THE MESSAGE. BRINGING INTO FOCUS FILIPINO PRESENCE IN AUSTRALIA | Volume 6 Number 1 | OCTOBER 2015 06 Plan your travel now: Countdown to light rail construction Artist's impression of the George Street light rail. WELCOME W e’re asFROM THE PREMIER ER king employers across Sydney’s CBD to work with employees and allow them NSW Premier | @ @MikeBairdMP P to alter their normal travel plans during construction of the new light rail line throuA key component of the Travel Choicgh the city. It’s hoped that by doing so, the es program is to encourage businesses to peak hour load will be spread out to eawork with delivery drivers and couriers to se pressure on Sydney’s transport network adjust to the new CBD environment and during the works. plan ahead to avoid peak periods. The Transport for NSW’s Travel ChoicAn online tool to assist freight and es Program has been launched aimed at delivery drivers locate loading zones in helping businesses and employees develthe CBD has been developed and can be op effective travel plans. The program’s found here aim is to reduce peak hour car travel by guides/commercial-drivers#loading. Busiasking drivers to ‘re-route, re-mode and nesses can register to be a Travel Choices re-time’ their journeys. participant at: http://travelchoices.eventWe have just days to go the first or call 1800 632 500. jor transport change, which is the removFinally, it was good to get down to al of buses from George Street and we are Manly Beach this week to announce the working with everyone to prepare. George Australian Open of Surfing has been seStreet will eventually be out of action, so cured there for the next three years. I was we’re strongly encouraging commuters to joined at the launch of next year’s Austraavoid driving where possible. lian Open of Surfing by legends Mark OcCBD Coordinator General Marg Prenchilupo and Damien Hardman, and future dergast has reached a combined total of star Isabella Nichols. 63,000 employees to make sure the upThe Open is Australia’s biggest accoming changes are communicated. tion sports and youth culture festival Travel Choices is an Olympic style cam- and I’m so glad the event has been sepaign that encourages employers to uncured at my local beach until 2018. Sydderstand the travel needs of their employney’s Northern Beaches really comes alive ees and be as flexible as possible in the when this event is on and each year thouwork place. sands of people take part to watch some of CBD businesses of every size will be ca- the world’s best surfers and skateboardtered for in the program with those emers compete. It’s also a great opportunity ploying over 500 staff entitled to help for tourists and visitors to Sydney to head from a dedicated specialist travel advisor down to one of the world’s best beachwho will provide individual support and es and experience Australian surf culture solutions to manage construction impacts. first hand. Targeted workshops will be availThe 2016 Australian Open of Surfing able for the mid-tier employers with toolwill be held from 27 February to 6 March kits and support information available for and more details can be found at: www. smaller employers. MIKE BAIRD to a regular column with Department of Human Services General Manager, Hank Jongen. Here you can find out important information about the Australian Department of Human Services Government Department General Manager of Human Services, which includes Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support. TALKING HUMAN SERVICES ERVICESS HANK JONGEN Bereavement Support I’d like to talk about the support available for people dealing with bereavement. It is never easy to lose a loved one. Bereavement is an extremely difficult time, and it can also trigger substantial changes in the way you manage your finances. This can be a big challenge for people who haven’t been involved in managing the household budget before. The Department of Human Services has a range of free services available to help in this difficult time. Our Financial Information Service is a really useful resource for people who have lost a loved one. Financial Information Service Officers are not financial advisers, but can discuss options and provide the information you need to make informed decisions about organising your affairs. The service also offers free seminars on a range of topics, including estate planning, retirement income and Aged Care considerations. These seminars are a great resource for people who are interested in becoming more financially aware. It’s also important to focus on your own health following the death of a partner. Feelings of sadness and loneliness can be natural parts of dealing with loss, and we have resources to help you. We have social workers who can provide you with support and put you in touch with organisations like the National Association for Loss and Grief or Lifeline or put you in touch with community organisations like Rotary or Apex, if you are interested in getting involved in social groups or activities. In the weeks following the death of a loved one, you will need to notify organ- isations and government agencies about the situation. We can give you a checklist of people and organisations you may need to contact when someone dies. As with all major life changes, it is important to notify the Department of Human Services quickly so that we can determine the payments and services that best suit you. If you are receiving a payment from us you may be eligible for Bereavement Payment if your partner, child or a person you were caring for dies. If your partner has recently died you may be eligible for Bereavement Allowance. This is a short term income support payment that provides financial support while you adjust to your changed circumstances. If you are currently receiving Carer Payment, Wife Pension, Partner Allowance or Parenting Payment, you may continue to receive your payments for 14 weeks following the death. This will allow you a time of financial stability while you seek other support. Finally, it is worth discussing organ donation with the people closest to you to ensure they are aware of your wishes. Australia has an opt-in system for organ donation, which means that the consent of your loved ones will be needed to donate your organs when you pass away. You can register your wishes on organ donation, either for or against, on the Australian Organ Donor Register by visiting au/organdonor. To find out more about our support services, resources and payments for people dealing with bereavement. Visit