Ang Kalatas May 2018 Issue | Page 6

A panorama shot with the iPhone . A view of the beach from end to end . We were waiting for the barge to ferry us from Fraser Island beach to Rainbow Beach shown in the short distance across .

Frolic on Fraser Island


THE weather was a bit warm and the fish were not all that abundant , but a good time was had by all .
We hardly encountered dingoes . Not much jellyfish either .
We enjoyed the happy chance for a quiet swim on Lake Mckenzie .
There was a sojourn to Elli Creek and another all the way to Champagne Pool , both of which I missed unfortunately because a persistent cough kept me grounded at home base .
So I failed to photograph those happy adventures . Anyway , here are a few images of our holiday .
I caught an undersized whiting which I , of course , had to throw back into the sea .
After unhooking the whiting with some effort , I sauntered back to the water and tossed it out a few feet from the ankle-deep water where I stood .
Within seconds an eagle crash-dove into the shallow waves where I had thrown the fish and quickly flew up and away .
I could not see whether he bagged the fish in his claws . By the time I got my camera out and ready , he was soaring high among the clouds .
After a long lull we managed to have our traditional family holiday on Fraser Island .
Our last visit there was in 2015 . This time , we had the great-grand kids with us .
The younger Valentina would be stepping on the sands of Fraser for the very first time .
Alas , as fate would have it , some of us found ourselves plagued with health problems .
The two children had runny noses . I picked up an irritating cough that forced me to drop out of fishing expeditions .
After a few days , grandma Grace too felt tired and listless , and also opted to stay indoors leaving the rest to drive off along the beach for fishing and frolicking on the vast empty beach . •
While Grace was resting , I managed a quick iPad sketch .
ALFREDO ROCES is an artist , photojournalist , and book author living in the Sydney suburb of Davidson ; an octogenarian who in retirement continues to love life and to capture its wonder with his paint brush , his camera , and his words . Roces has opened his ‘ gallery archive ’ to AK NewsMagazine for readers to follow and enjoy each month .
06 MAY 2018 | AK NewsMagazine , Vol 8 No 8 www . kalatas . com . au