Ang Kalatas March 2018 Issue | Page 9


Three troll tales

We have all had our own troll experiences and I know that they are almost always unpleasant and disturbing . No one relishes being insulted , called names , and threatened .
Everyone I know has tried to answer trolls by being civil , rational and reasonable . They initially show patience and even try to elevate the discussion . Very rarely has anyone been successful .
Trolls are the most despicable people in cyberspace . Often , they use fake names , fake accounts , post fake pictures of themselves and use the most foul language you have ever heard in your life . They also abuse you with threats of rape and murder of your family .
Basically , they try to push your buttons to make you angry or to silence you into submission . They want you to be afraid and watch your back , and protect yourself from further troll attack by not expressing views against the Duterte administration . They bully you into silence .
I have experienced being the favourite of trolls a few times . I would wake up and find my timeline and inbox teeming with hate comments because I posted my thoughts on issues that put Duterte in a bad light .
I have analysed troll behavior for sometime . They often come in waves , always with the same message and some even using the exact same words . They are not spontaneously sent or expressed by ordinary people . These are concentrated efforts from troll farms calibrated to intentionally intimidate and to silence . It has been proven again and again that these types of trolls are paid to do this .
But I have also encountered “ sincere ” haters who take the time to harass people and get satisfaction from doing so .
One such person sent me a threatening
letter . Amid the usual expletives , he said he would be happy to see me die . I answered him by asking him to apologise or else I would write to the company he worked for and tell them that he had threatened me . I noticed that he had listed two companies that he worked for on his page . He answered in a cocky manner challenging me to do it . I sent both companies an FB message with a copy of his threatening message to me . I suggested that their companies deserved better people to work for them .
Company no . 1 immediately answered and said they would look into it within the day . The other replied that the person was not connected with their company anymore , but his wife still was and that they would talk to her about it .
Within a few hours , company no . 1 answered me to say that they had a meeting with the troll employee and decided to terminate him . I thanked them for the quick response but suggested a way for the troll to keep his job by asking if they would consider a change of mind in the event that he would apologize and promise not to do it again . They answered that they had already decided and it was the best thing to do considering that they were a service company .
From company no . 2 , I got a message saying they had talked to the troll ’ s wife , and she wanted me to know she was very apologetic about what her husband did . The next morning , I got another threatening letter from a young man who worked overseas . I told him that his message was uncalled for and I told him the same thing : that I would write to his boss and show the letter he sent . I also noticed that the company
he worked for had its headquarters ers in the US . I told him I would send the same letter to the US headquarters to make sure that proper action would be taken to address what he did . US companies take these things very seriously .
He laughed and and said “ sure ,” as if to challenge me more and show he wasn ’ t afraid . So I sent the letter to his company ’ s email address .
I then asked him where his hostility was coming from and why he was threatening me . He said he was angry because I was always criticising the President .
We then had an exchange about freedom of expression and I said that civility was important if we did not want our country to descend into chaos . I pointed out that we were both coming from a place of genuine concern for our country ’ s future .
When I sensed that he had simmered down a bit , I asked him if he thought his letter reflected the values that his parents had taught him while he was growing up . I said I was a father with a son his age . By this time , we had been chatting for about 15 min .
I noticed he had a sudden change of tone . He suddenly apologised . He said he had noticed that I had been talking to him all this time without using any expletives despite his lack of civility . He said he had been wrong about the impression he had of me . I acknowledged his feelings and said that politics can sometimes bring out the worst in anyone . We continued talking for about 20 min . I asked him if he wanted me to withdraw the letter I sent . He said it was alright and he would talk to his boss himself . He apologised again profusely . I readily accepted his apology with no fuss . Strangely , I was humbled by it . I
said that this exchange was a teachable moment for me as much as it was for him . I learned that if we allow it , our humanity can shine through and destroy walls . I said I was ready to let the issue go . As a final gesture , he asked me if we could be Facebook friends . I gladly obliged and thanked him for his friendship .
Two days , later I received hate mail from an elderly gentleman who was connected with the Padre Pio Foundation . He cursed me and wished me ill will . I answered him and said that I was a believer of Padre Pio and that the Saint had affected me in many good ways . I told him his letter left me wondering why Padre Pio ’ s influence seemed to have affected him in a negative manner . I suggested to him that I would share his message on Facebook and open a discussion on how Padre Pio had affected people . I said I would be interested in hearing from anyone who may be able to explain how Padre Pio ’ s miraculous powers had gone awry with him .
After a few minutes , he wrote back and apologised . That was the end of that .
I am not sure if my proposition to have the conversation go public was the factor that made him change his mind . Probably not . I would give the credit to Padre Pio who most likely intervened and converted him .•
JIM PAREDES is a multifaceted creative . He sings , composes , writes articles and books , teaches at the Ateneo De Manila
University , designs and facilitates workshops . He is a writer of books , a widely read columnist for the Sunday Life section of Philippine Star , and a well-known photographer .
www . kalatas . com . au AK NewsMagazine , Vol 8 No 6 | MARCH 2018 09