Ang Kalatas March 2018 Issue | Page 13

COMMUNITY NEWS Political exchange THE Federal MP for Banks, David Coleman, met with the Australian Political Exchange Council’s delegation from the Philippines in Sydney recently. The Philippine delegation is part of program that has existed since 1981. The program offers delegates from the Council’s international exchange partners an opportunity to learn about Australia and its political system. The bipartisan program also supports delegates to build networks and on-going relationships with young political leaders from partner countries. “It was a great pleasure to welcome this delegation of young political leaders from the Philippines and share our collective experiences of government,” Mr Coleman said. n Search on for top scientists NOMINATIONS for Australia’s most prestigious science awards, the Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science are now open. Minister for Jobs and Innovation, Michaelia Cash, said the prizes celebrated the achievements and successes of Australian scientists, teachers and innovators in Australia The Philippine delegates with Mr Coleman, fourth from right. and abroad. Applications close at 5pm on Monday on March 26, 2018. Applicants must be Australian citizens or permanent residents of Australia, not be self-nominated, not be nominated in more than one prize category in any given year, and meet the specific eligibility criteria for the nominated prize. “These awards recognise the extraordinary contribution that Australia's scientists and science teachers make to our nation, not only through their world- leading research but also as role models for young people considering careers in science, technology, engineering or mathematics,” Ms Cash said. Recipients of the prizes share in $750,000 in seven prize categories, including two that recognise excellence in science teaching in primary and secondary schools. The eligibility guidelines for the Excellence in Science Teaching awards have been broadened this year to include mathematics and technology teachers for the first time. Assistant Minister for Jobs, Science and Innovation, Minister Zed Seselja said it was so important to acknowledge the powers of inspiration that teachers can bring to their classrooms. n AK NewsMagazine, Vol 8 No 6 | MARCH 2018 13