Ang Kalatas April 2016 | Page 17

THE MESSAGE. BRINGING INTO FOCUS FILIPINO PRESENCE IN AUSTRALIA | Volume 6 Number 7 | APRIL 2016 PROPERTY MARKET Retail and housing growth continues in NSW The NSW economy continues to lead the nation, with ABS figures confirming ongoing growth for both retail spending and building approvals. The official data released early this month showed retail trade increased by 4.6 per cent in the year to February, above the national result of 3.3 per cent. Treasurer Gladys Berejiklian noted that this was the 31st consecutive month that through the year retail spending growth was above the national average. The number of dwellings given the green light also rose in February, up 14.3 per cent to 5,116 approvals, well above the average of the last five years (4,146). “NSW continues to see positive results across every key economic indicator, and all signs show that we can expect the NSW economy to set the standard for the rest of the nation well into the future,” Ms Berejiklian said. “This continued strength is boosting confidence in NSW – while other states are struggling amid a challenging economic environment, NSW is continuing to shine.” Planning Minister Rob Stokes said the figures showed strong confidence in the NSW economy and building sector. “To plan for Sydney’s growth, we must provide sustainable, affordable and diverse housing stock for those who need it, where they need it,” he said. “The NSW Government is working to improve the planning system to ensure that, as NSW grows, the community reaps the benefits of that growth through improved housing diversity and choice, more jobs close to home and better infrastructure and public facilities.” Your Bank said ‘No’… H ave you applied for a home loan in the past and the bank declined your application. Don’t dismay there are other ‘alternative’ options in the market. Everyone’s situation is not the same and every bank is different, there are banks that target the vanilla type deals and there are some ‘specialist lenders’ that know how to think outside the box. Specialist lending is a segment of the mortgage market dedicated to providing alternative home loan solutions to borrowers who are unable to meet the lending criteria set by banks and lenders mortgage insurance providers. There are numerous reasons why a borrower may fall into the specialist category and there is no single characteristic defined that pigeonholes every specialist borrower together. Common reasons why borrowers may need a specialist lender are: • Failed to meet Mortgage insurance criteria; • Failed to pass traditional credit scoring; • Has had a few bank decline in the past; • New Australian Permanent Resident with no credit history; • Has multiple personal debt to consolidate; • Needs to payout business/tax debt; • Needs cash for business purposes; • Discharged Bankrupt; • Has a paid or unpaid credit default on their credit file; • Has late payments or their mortgage is in arrears; • Has been self employed under 2 years; • ABN registered only 12 months; Many people actually fit into one of these categories but do not realise there are ways to still get finance approved. A case study is presented below, this is a common scenario many people face. CASE STUDY 1 Background: Paul went through a divorce 18 months ago, he has taken over all marital debts and in addition he has accumulated a $20K personal loan which was used to pay legal fees when the property settlement was finalised. Theo's mortgage statements are up-to-date but you notice that the payments are often a week late and a few PROPERTY | FINANCE JERONE BALAGTAS [email protected] of the cards are also over their limit. • Age: 32 years old • Occupation: PAYG Carpenter • Income: Averaging $1,800 per week • Assets: $400K Home; $2