all in one
Tonight’s club assembly is distinctive to our usual
meetings and assembly as we had a special guest
in the person of our District Governor Enigardo
“Jundad” Legislador and Team.
Gov Jundad will give us his personal view on the
status of our club and share with us the state of the
Th is is is also an opportunity for our fellow Rotarians
to have a “close encounter” with the District Governor
who had a full schedule of itineraries all throughout PP ALEXANDER “Alex” ONG
Protocol Offi cer
the Rotary Year.
RCCIC RY 2016-2018
Baby Rotarians are encouraged to feel free to ask any
questions to the governor related to our club and the
Th is will also be their chance to brush elbows with
the highest offi cer of the district and learn more how
the district operates, First hand.
PP Alexander “Alex” Ong is
the current Protocol Offi cer
and Club Trainor, his previous
posts are Past President (Two
Term), Assistant Governor and
member of District Nominating
Fellow Rotarians join me in welcoming District
Governor Jundad.
We are looking forward to a warm fellowship with
him aft er the business meeting.
Nov 03 & 06, 2017 | Vol 27 Issue No 08 | ANG ILONGGA |9