Ang Ilongga - Issue #8 Issue #8 | Page 6

message from the president “Th e most truly generous persons are those who give silently without hope of praise or reward. - Carol Ryrie Brink Greetings! Th is month we celebrate Th e Rotary Foundation. Th e very essence of what Rotary is about. SHEILA MAE “Sheila” S. MABILOG President RCCIC RY 2016-2018 Sheila is an Events Organizer, Photographer and a Designer rolled into one. She specializes in Weddings, Debuts and Events. She teaches Arts & Crafts during summer and loves collecting papers. We all know how great it feels to receive gift s. However, the joy of getting is short-lived. Our lives are richer when we share, and that great inner joy comes from helping others to better their lives. Truly giving from the heart fi lls your life with joy and nourishes your soul. Giving provides an intrinsic reward that’s far more valuable than the gift . As Mahatma Gandhi said, “To fi nd yourself, lose yourself in the service of others.” Giving takes you out of yourself and allows you to expand beyond earthly limitations. True joy lies in the act of giving without an expectation of receiving something in return. When people are asked why they give, the readiest answers include: God wants me to; I feel better about myself; others need, and I have; I want to share; it’s only right. Th e question I would ask is how did you feel? I imagine you felt very pleased with yourself and happy inside. It has been my experience that when you’re focused on giving to others you’re less likely to become consumed by your own concerns and challenges. Giving provides an opportunity to look beyond our own world and see the bigger picture. A great perspective can be achieved by stepping out of our own world and venturing into the world of other people. Your worries and challenges may not seem as signifi cant when compared to other people’s situations. If you fi nd yourself feeling unhappy, try making someone else happy and see what happens. If you’re feeling empty and unfulfi lled, try doing some meaningful and worthwhile work and see how you feel. Th e catch is that you must do this work with passion and enthusiasm. Th e rewards of giving are priceless. If you want to have happiness, you need to give happiness. If you want love, you need to give love. It is only in giving that you receive. No matter what your circumstances in life, you have the ability to give. I encourage you to look for opportunities where you can give and help others. Th e gift of joy will come to you when you give of yourself to others. Th at’s what life is all about. Let’s practice and commit our lives to giving joy. Try it! It works! Have a great week ahead and let us hand in hand keep the Rotary Foundation strong! God bless! SHEILA SHEI SH EILA MAE “Sheila” S. M EI Mab Mabilog RCCIC President, Pr id t, RY 2016-18 6 | ANG ILONGGA | Vol 27 Issue No. 8 | Nov 03 & 06, 2017