Ang Ilongga - Issue #8 Issue #8 | Page 3

CONTENTS Vol XXVII • Issue No. 08 09 FEATURES 07 YOUR PRESENCE MATTERS 09 ALL IN ONE RCCIC Secretary Nel Matias breaks down the attendance fi gures for the month of October that involves our yearly trip. Tonight’s club assembly is distinctive to our usual meetings and assembly as we had a special guest in the person of our District Governor Enigardo “Jundad” Legislador and Team. 05 06 MESSAGE FROM RI PRES Sam, who had been elected to serve as president of Rotary International in 2018- 19, would have been the second African Rotary member, and the fi rst Ugandan, to hold that offi ce. he is a member of the Rotary Club of Kampala, Uganda. FROM THE PRESIDENT We all know how great it feels to receive gift s. However, the joy of getting is short-lived. 06 REGULARS 05 16 GRIN DEPARTMENT 13 WHERE TO MAKE UP? 12 THE ROTARY FOUNDATION 10 RESTING ON OUR LAURELS 13 ROTARY HYMN 14 16