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LAW FIRMS AND THE AGE OF SOCIAL MEDIA Social media has become an integral part of any successful law practice. 96% of lawyers surveyed by the Attorney at Work website said they use social media. OF RESPONDENTS USE SOCIAL MEDIA In the beginning, lawyers were suspicious of social media. Over time their attitude changed and a lot of attorneys now use social media for business development and networking. SAY THEIR USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA IS PART OF AN OVERALL MARKETING STRATEGY ARE ON LINKEDIN SAY FACEBOOK IS EFFECTIVE IN BRINGING IN BUSINESS SAY SOCIAL MEDIA IS VERY RESPONSIBLE IN BRINGING THEM NEW CLIENTS The American Bar Association’s 2017 Legal Technology Survey shows that more and more law firms have established online presence through active blogging and sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Law firms utilize online resources to capitalize on every opportunity to connect with industry influencers and personally engage with potential clients and prospects. Considering that 81% of the US population is on social media it is a good place for law firms to focus on. Given its popularity and usage law firms cannot neglect this powerful resource in their web marketing strategy. Facebook is gaining more love while the number one site for professionals is still LinkedIn. 80% of those surveyed by the Attorney at Work website said they use Facebook regularly and 84% use LinkedIn.