Anderson Ranch Arts Center Workshop Catalogs 2010-2014 | Page 38

Noah Z Brock, Table Karl Burkheimer, Five Fourths Joshua West Smith, Point A2 June 30 - July 4 July 7 - 11 July 7 - 11 CNC techniques creative expression Joshua West Smith Digital Fabrication:  Problem Seeking: exercising  Noah Z Brock Karl Burkheimer SKILL LEVEL: I - II SKILL LEVEL: Open to all CONCEPT: The CNC (computer numerically controlled) router has become a tool for artists and creators to push the boundaries of what is possible. This course uses the CNC router as a tool for streamlining and creating furniture and objects out of plywood. As an introduction to CNC, we learn how to calculate feed rates and chiploads based on router bit and material selection. We design in Rhino and learn to use the CNC router to bring ideas to life. CONCEPT:  This course is a playful search for the fuel and inspiration of personal creativity. Focused on discovery through the rendering of ideas, this class is a series of exercises investigating new ways of looking at, thinking about and making creative decisions. Creativity is not taught, it is practiced, and ideas are just the beginning of a creative process. The class explores strategies of developing and interpreting ideas while seeking their strength as viable solutions through models and prototypes. MEDIA & TECHNIQUES: Plywood, CNC router basics, cut speeds and chiploads; computeraided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) as it applies to woodworking; CNC woodworking joinery. ACTIVITIES: We start with sketches of ideas and transcribe them into Rhino in 2-D or 3-D. Once proper dimensions and scaling are worked out, we create tool paths using the CAM software and cut them in plywood using the CNC router. FACULTY: Noah Z Brock is a sculptor by trade, but not in the traditional sense of the word. By combining conceptual ideas with computeraided design, he produces sculptures that are not possible in any other format. He is currently working at the Facility for Arts Research and pursuing an M.F.A. in sculpture at Florida State University. Tuition: $775 OR Tuition + Studio Support Donation: $975 Studio Fee: $95  Code: W0510  Enrollment Limit 10 36  AN DERSONRA NCH.O RG   970/923-3181  MEDIA & TECHNIQUES: Wood, cardboard, foam core, tape, glue and screws. Tools and methods of woodworking. ACTIVITIES:  Loose and playful exercises to inspire creativity. Utilizing the resources and capabilities of the wood studio, the class tackles several ways to expand creative solutions. FACULTY:  Karl Burkheimer is an associate professor and the chair of the Master of Fine Arts in Craft program at the Oregon College of Art and Craft. He received his M.F.A. from Virginia Commonwealth University. His work has been exhibited nationally, and he has received several awards, including a 2012 Individual Artist Fellowship from the Oregon Arts Commission and a 2013 U.S.-Japan Creative Artist Fellowship. Tuition: $775 OR Tuition + Studio Support Donation: $975 Studio Fee: $95  Code: W0612  Enrollment Limit 12 INF O@ANDE R S O N R A N C H . O R G Thinking through Making  SKILL LEVEL: Open to all CONCEPT:  With a focus on the studio prototype, this course is for the artist or designer interested in developing or strengthening a practice of working through ideas with their hands. From hot glue and cardboard to quick and effective wood joinery and welding, we practice techniques that allow for rapid production. Along with ample time for studio work, we engage in dynamic dialog around work made in class and concepts of the prototype as finished sculpture. From there, we consider the heady issues و