Anderson Ranch Arts Center Workshop Catalogs 2010-2014 | Page 34

Andy Brayman, Orange Vase with Blue and Orange Paul McMullan, Boo Boo Teapot Jonathan Monaghan, A Pocket Full of Sunshine July 7 - 11 July 14 - 18 July 28 - August 1 Printing Molds  Andy Brayman Printing Molds for Slip Casting  3-D Modeling & Paul McMullan Printing for Artists  SKILL LEVEL: Open to all SKILL LEVEL: Open to all CONCEPT:  The future of 3-D printing is more than just making plastic trinkets. In this workshop, we push beyond the material, speed and size limitations of the MakerBot by using it as a device to print molds rather than finished objects. We learn how to design for and cast with a variety of different materials with the intention of bringing them into the physical world through mold making. We also examine the basics of constructing forms in Rhino. CONCEPT: 3-D printers are all the rage. Link the “modern” with the tradition of slip casting in this exciting new class focused on making plaster molds via 3-D printers. Working with our stock files and your basic designs built in Rhino patterns, the molds to make the molds are designed and printed digitally. The focus of this workshop is the mold, but Paul covers how to manipulate castings and surface designs as well as the power of the narrative in his collage style of work. MEDIA & TECHNIQUES: Variety of software to create digital objects, open source digital files and object scanning, both single-piece and multiple-piece molds for casting plaster, silicone, urethane, sugru, clay, cement, paper pulp and wax-sugru; clay, cement, paper pulp and wax. ACTIVITIES:  Demonstrations of basic and advanced techniques for digital and physical fabrication. FACULTY:  Andy Brayman lives and works in Kansas City, Mo. He received his M.F.A. from Alfred University. He is an artist, designer and inventor working with new technologies while employing a critical eye and capable hands. In 2005, Andy founded the Matter Factory. MEDIA & TECHNIQUES: Rhino design software, plaster molds made directly from the MakerBot patterns, slip clay, drawing and painting on bisqueware forms. ACTIVITIES:  Basic design in Rhino software, making plaster molds from plastic patterns, pouring slip, manipulating cast forms, bisque firing, finish decorating and narrative building. FACULTY:  Paul McMullan received his M.F.A. from Alfred University. He has presented his slip-cast and image-packed sculptures in numerous solo and group exhibitions across the U.S. and Europe. Recent shows include “Hanging by a Thread” at Galleri Se Konst in Falun, Sweden. Jonathan Monaghan SKILL LEVEL: Open to all, familiarity with computer graphics software such as Adobe Photoshop is recommended. Knowledge and interest in sculpture and new media art is also beneficial. CONCEPT:  3-D modeling and 3-D printing are emerging techniques providing artists with a powerful set of tools for a myriad of artistic implementations—from small-scale 3-D printed sculptures to more conceptual aspects of a wider artistic practice. This course introduces us to the basic concepts and workflows of creating virtual form