Anderson Ranch Arts Center Workshop Catalogs 2010-2014 | Page 26

painting & drawing The Painting and Drawing program offers the opportunity to work with an exciting range of incredible artists and media. We’ve worked hard to maintain a wide diversity of subject matter and approach, while tailoring each class to a particular level of experience. Our classes offer an intense, hands-on art making experience and critical feedback that will propel your studio practice throughout the year. The Ranch’s spacious and bright painting facilities are housed in the Wyly Painting Building. We supply each student access to studio and travel easels, rolling palettes, work tables, odorless solvents, rags and an extensive collection of hand and power tools. Each classroom is further equipped with a computer, wi-fi access, printing, scanning and projection capabilities. painting and drawing skill Levels: Open to all – Students of any skill and knowledge level. Level I – Students have very limited experience or none at all. Classes usually start with a full day of basic instruction. Level II – Students have basic knowledge of 2D art making including form, shading, negative space, value, line and contrast. Level III – Students have formal training in critical aspects of 2D painting, experience with public critiques and a solid portfolio of their artwork. Level IV – Students have advanced skill and knowledge of the painting/drawing field. Students have a minimum of five years experience in the field and multiple portfolios of their artwork. Typical students are academics and professional artists. Portfolio review is required for admittance to Level IV classes. Elizabeth Ferrill, Transit #16 (detail) Paul Collins, Sandstorm with Katie June 7 - 11 June 7 - 11 Elizabeth Ferrill    Paul Collins    Skill Level: II Skill Level: I Concept:  Investigate the use of edges in your paintings using stencil methods such as pochoir and masking. How do edges affect the illusion of space, the content of an image and the rhythm of a composition? What kind of energy can be created by joining two edges? Build up and dissolve edges to explore the surfaces of your paintings. Concept: Find your voice through the magnificent medium of oil painting. We focus on fundamentals, emphasize seeing and depicting color and form, and develop content strategies. Painting on the Edge  Media & Techniques: We generally use waterbased paint including gouache, acrylic and watercolor, but oils are also fine. We encourage work on paper or canvas on a comfortable scale. Activities: We focus on working in the studio during class time with individual feedback, critiques and demonstrations. Faculty:  A native of Seattle, Washington, Elizabeth Ferrill received her BFA in Painting and Printmaking from Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle. From 2005-2007 she was the Associate Curator of Education and Museum School Director for the Nevada Museum of Art. She received her MFA in Printmaking from the Rhode Island School of Design. Color & Form in Oil  Media & Techniques:  Students work with oil paint, various oil media and pencil. Techniques include color mixing, lighting and perception, plein aire painting, equipment care and selection. Activities:  The first day provides an overview of materials and techniques: color mixing, brush care, palette maintenance, medium usage and studio safety. Then we devote mornings to limited assignments and afternoons to self-guided work and group discussions. Students receive one-on-one instruction and participate in group demonstrations. Faculty:  Paul Collins is a painter from Brooklyn, New York. He has taught at Rhode Island School of Design and shown his work at various galleries in New York and San Francisco. A graduate of Yale (MFA) and Skowhegan, Paul is currently the artistic director of painting, drawing and critical studies at Anderson Ranch. Contact Artistic Director Paul Collins with questions at 970/923-3181 x236. Tuition: $890 / Studio Support Cost: $1090 Studio Fee: $75  Code:D0102  Enrollment Limit: 10 24  w w 9 7 0 /9 2 3 -3 1 8 1 i n fo @ a n d ers o n r a n c h . o r g Tuition: $890 / Studio Support Cost: $1090 Studio Fee: $75  Code: D0101  Enrollment Limit: 10