Anderson Ranch Arts Center Annual Report - 2012 | Page 10

8 Visiting Artists and Critics AndersonRanch arts center Visiting Artists and Critics Visiting Artists are invited to live and work at Anderson Ranch to make new works in our workshop studios or Visiting Artist studio and explore new avenues for their practice. Supported by our artistic staff, Visiting Artists are on campus from one week to three months and contribute to the dialogue and energy of our Ranch community. They meet with students and artists-inresidence, present free public presentations of their work and participate in our gallery exhibition program. In 2012, the Ranch hosted seven Visiting Artists. Michael Krueger, Holly Hughes, Takashi Nakazato, Julia Jacquette, Enrique Martínez Celaya, Eva Speer and Cory Robinson each spent several weeks on campus engaging with our students and producing new works in our studios. Our Visiting Critics met with artists-in-residence during our spring and fall sessions and with participants of our January Immersive program. They presented lectures and free public talks about their work. The 2012 Visiting Critics were Cory Robinson, Eva Speer, Julia Jacquette, Nina Katchadourian, Scott Chamberlin and Andy Brayman. Each of our Visiting Artists and Critics made an impressive impact on our community through their engagement with our programs and participants. In addition, many of these artists contributed works to the Ranch auctions and fundraising events. Hosting artists of such high caliber contributes to the overall quality of our organization and we are grateful for their time and efforts.