AndalusianWorld Magazine Show Edition | Page 7

3. Understand that there are physiological causes of show nerves that you cannot control with mental fortitude alone. Set yourself up for success by taking care of your body. A high stakes, high stress situation like a horse show (which often involves strenuous physical activity and sleep deprivation) will physically take it’s toll on your body. Stay hydrated, take electrolytes, and make sure you don’t skip breakfast or overload on sugars, which will cause spikes and crashes in your blood sugar and energy levels. Your body is going to be flooded with stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, putting you on edge, and robbing your body of essential minerals like magnesium. Caffeine and alcohol will also leech electrolytes from your body. Take a B vitamin every day, and drink plenty of water on a regular basis to flush excess adrenaline, lactic acid, and cortisol out of your system. Also, remember to center yourself and breathe! The physical calming effect of consciously focusing on your breaths is measurable. 4. Imodium is your friend. No further explanation necessary. 5. More than anything, be excited for show photos from the official photographer Yes, this sounds silly, but it’s important. It’s important because no matter what happens in that show ring, you can go home with gorgeous, professional photos of your horse presented at it’s absolute best. You’ll enjoy seeing those photos for years to come, whether or not you win the class. You can walk into that ring thinking “I can’t wait to see how these photos turn out.” instead of focusing on thoughts of winning or losing. 6. Look at the big picture. Stop. Think. What are you doing? You are not at a critical UN counsel with the fate of the world resting on your shoulders. You are in a resort city with hundreds of other people who share your niche interest in Iberian horses. You are here to have fun! When you look back, what will you want to remember most? What are you presently enjoying the most? What can you look forward to next year? Just remember; It’s not about the destination, it’s about the ride! Now get out there and have fun at the show! 7