AndalusianWorld Magazine Show Edition | Page 36

Showtime! Appropriate Tack & Attire With big breed shows just around the corner, we thought it would be great timing to publish a guide to appropriate tack and attire. With a dazzling array of performance classes available to exhibitors at Andalusian/Lusitano breed shows in the US, it can sometimes be confusing to know which tack and what clothing are appropriate for each class. Taking cues from other exhibitors may not be an ideal plan, and other competitors (no matter how famous) may be ill informed, or only guessing as well. In order to maximize your chances of doing well in the class (and avoid potentially being excused), it is important to understand appropriate turnout for both yourself and your horse. Note: The following guidelines are intended as general advice only. Be sure to carefully study the rules for the show you are attending. Overall Indications Turnout: Horses should be sound, and should always be free of any signs of lameness or discomfort. Open wounds, welts, or blood should never be present. They should be in good condition overall. Manes, tails, and coats should be clean, shiny and well cared for. Remember, a good grooming program starts at home, months before the show! Mares are typically shown with a shaven and shaped mane and a neatly tail shaven past the vulva, while stallions over two years old are left with a full mane and tail, which may be braided for performance classes. Pulled and/or banded manes are always discouraged. Weanlings of both sexes are shown with a shaven forelock, and a shaven and shaped mane. Tails of both sexes are shaven in weanlings. The tails of the fillies either shaven with a small bob at the tip, or shaven past the vulva and banged above the hocks. Two year old fillies and older may be shown with a forelock if desired. Mares showing in performance classes only may be shown with or without a “mare clip”, but do not mix styles. A mare with a shaven mane should always have a shaven tail as well, and visa versa. It is advisable to clip the legs, ears, jaw, and muzzle of all show horses for neatness. Shoes are not permitted for weanlings and yearlings. Feet should be scrubbed and sanded, and either clear or black hoof polish should be applied (Warning! IALHA classes forbid hoof black). Never apply hoof black on white feet, even at venues where hoof black is allowed. White feet require clear polish. Halter Classes Turnout: Clipped, or full manes and tails for the appropriate age and gender. Braided manes and tails are not prohibited, but typically horses are shown without braids. The exception to this being Sport Horse In Hand classes. Horses should be fit and clean. It is not appropriate to enter pasture-condition horses in a halter class. Tack: A headstall with a throatlatch is required. Depending on the breed organization, current show-ring fashion, and personal 36