AndalusianWorld Magazine Dec 2013 | Page 9

that requires ” is a small industry The “Iberian World and grow. ALL of us to succeed e, versatility, eyond the regal statur B e breed, and intelligence of th it is the “family” envi ronment that makes ly the Iberian breed tru unique. e the Together we improv the quality and success of create the breed. Together we future. sianWorld Our team at Andalu u for all would like to thank yo breed, and that you bring to this bring you the vow to do our part to ies, and coverbest information, stor e of. age that we are capabl y? Have an idea? A stor ar We would love to he it! ~Kevin AndalusianWorld FAQs: Q: Is it free to list my service or ranch? A: Yes, all directories (except sales horses and stallion ads) are free to list. Q: Why isn’t my listing immediately posted? A: We have all seen those Craigslist ads where sellers manipulate listings to make them stand out, and/or post multiple listings. We hand enter each listing to ensure uniformity and accuracy, as well level the playing fields for all. Listings are also added to a database which will allow us to add mapping features. 9