Even though the P.R.E. Breed is the star of Mayfest,
anyone with any type of horse, or even those who don’t
have horses, are welcomed and invited. It might seem a
bit confusing to let people with other breeds and types
of horses join in on all the aspects of the competition,
since so much is geared to the Spanish Horse, but it is
quite a clever way to introduce other horsemen to the
exceptional abilities of our breed.
and Erica Peet, who worked tirelessly to help folks
learn the secrets of handling horses in a Spanish
morphology class. Judy and Walter Henslee
graciously lent students horses to
practice with if they didn’t bring
their own, so no one was left out.
At the end of the clinic there was
even a schooling show, where
students displayed what they
The Henslees have consistently produced a popular event learned. Everyone left with a
where the cost to the participant is minimal, with a great greater understanding of how to
value for all. The main event is on a Saturday, and busy
handle a horse in the show ring,
equestrians are greeted in the morning with a delicious, and was anxious to practice
but easy to make breakfast buffet. Participants bring
with all their horses at home.
their favorite dish to share for the very popular “Pot
Luck” lunch. The cost of the event is kept to a minimum The Peets were amazing!
by asking everyone to bring a dish to share, and the
They encouraged and crifun of the unexpected, but delicious food serves as
tiqued without embarrassing
a wonderful contrast to the catered dinner that
anyone. Their good humor
occurs during the evening meal. Beer, wine, and and willingness to share their winning
lemonade are served at dinner on Saturday
ways make their clinics extremely popto satisfy the deep thirst that comes with an
ular everywhere they are held. They are
active day with horses. We all know that just not afraid to share their knowledge, and
talking about horses makes you thirsty!
Howard says he is looking
forward to beEach year Judy and Walter determine
ing beaten in the
what subjects the crowd of horsemen
show ring by one
might find interesting, and try to supply
of his students.
various experts who can coach participants to increase their knowledge and
Michael Vermaas
participation in the events. The 10th
proved once again
anniversary consisted of three days of
why he is the most
learning, practice showing, and solidifying requested dressage
wonderful new friendships. There was a lot instructor in the
of hands on experiences.
state of Texas. His
dressage lessons were
New this year were the additions of Howard
so full that he had to