Ancient Path AncientPath_eng46w-010_20180116 | Page 21
The Ancient Path
Ever since Jesus went back to heaven, most people
have continued to go their own way, and don’t think
about God (Matthew 7:13-14). Others follow the old
religions and philosophies created by man, and others
have created new ones. Most ignore The Ancient Path
to God. This path is traceable back to God’s promise
to our first ancestors over six thousand years ago.
This promise of a coming Redeemer was repeated to
Abraham as the “blessing to all nations” (Genesis
12:3), and to Israel as the eternal “Son” (Psalm 2:7;
Matthew 1:1). Jesus is God’s Way for our sins against
Him to be forgiven (John 14:6). He lived a perfect
life in our place and then died for the sins of all the
world (John 1:29; Ephesians 1:7; Revelation 1:5).
This wonderful truth is now ours. By putting our
trust in Jesus and His death on the cross, FOR US,
as our Substitute, we can have our sins forgiven, and
our relationship with God restored (1 Peter 2:24;
2 Corinthians 5:21). We can live forever…with God,
The Ancient Path