Ancient Path AncientPath_eng46w-010_20180116 | Page 18
years old, He began the work for which He had been
sent to earth. Jesus called Himself the Son of God,
and said that “I and the Father are One” (John 10:30).
Jesus existed forever as God, but took on the form of
a man (John 1:14). He said: “Before Abraham was, I
am” (John 8:58). By “I am,” Jesus confirmed He had
no “beginning” but had always existed, from eternity,
eons before Alexander the Great, Socrates, Confucius,
or Buddha were born.
He created the universe (John 1:2-3; Colossians
1:16) and “upholds” it even now (Colossians 1:17;
Hebrews 1:3).
The Only Sinless Man
Despite the fact that God is infinitely holy, and hates
sin, Jesus didn’t come to earth to punish mankind for
its disobedience. Instead, He came to die in our
place…just like the little, innocent lamb. When Jesus
began to teach about the Kingdom of God, a great
prophet at that time saw Jesus and said: “Behold the
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world”
(John 1:29).
The Ancient Path