Ancient Path AncientPath_eng46w-010_20180116 | Page 13

would protect them from the Angel of Death that God was about to send to punish Egypt. The Jews obeyed God, and put the blood of the lambs on their doors. When the Angel of Death came, God saw the blood and spared the house holds whose doors were marked by the blood of the lamb. Pharaoh finally allowed “Israelite puts blood of slain lamb on door of house to protect the house from the ‘Angel of Death’” (Exodus 12:21-23) the Jews to leave Egypt and nearly two million followed Moses to freedom. Then Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his armies to chase God’s people. But God did a great miracle and caused the Red Sea to open up for His people to pass through, and caused the walls of water to collapse upon the pursuing Egyptians. The Egyptian army was destroyed (Exodus 14). 16 The Ancient Path