History of the forum.
AP forum has a history of more than 10 years, but tragedy and the hacking of the forum lead to its end. I contacted Awie, part of the original team who started AP, to inquire about the forum. For Awie the forum was very personal as well as emotional, and he gave me permission to restart the forum.
The forum went life 24 January 2018, and to date have 1150 Posts in 259 Topics by 105 Members.
The logo and what it means.
The logo and what it means.
• The bow is in yellow.
• The string is green.
• The arrow is black.
• The broadhead is purple; it also represents a paper tune cut.
• The nock is red.
• The arrows direction is to heaven, God.
• Left ear represents hunting.
• Right ear represents target archery.
• Left cheek, A, is Anchor.
• Right cheek, P, is Point.
• The snout is in the shape of Africa, fletches form part of the snout.
• The colors represent the SA flag.
Why a forum.
When I started bow hunting in 2008, it was the place I learned the most. Where a community of archers invited me into their world, to learn and experience the sport/hobby. To date I still have contact with most of those people.
This was and is still the intention of the forum, to create a community forum for all archers and bow hunters to meet and share their knowledge with other people.
The forum is not affiliated to any shop, brand, or organization. This is one thing I could never understand about the industry in South Africa, I always felt there were these groups, the big divide.
Please join us, and lest see if we can rebuild a platform for all archers and bow hunters to share not only there knowledge, but also the stories that form such a big part of our experiences.
Join us in the forum - http://www.anchorpoint.co.za/, or Facebook.