Life Christian Adventure
I can only speak for myself, and I do not represent any hunting organisation, this is my personal opinion.
There is so much more to hunting than just the kill. I take responsibility for killing an animal. Part of my responsibility is to make sure I have the right equipment, and practise enough to ensure that I kill the animal as clean and fast as possible.
I would like to do this to the best of my ability and in a way that it is seen as ethical by my fellow hunters. But most of all my responsibility is to the Lord who created that animal.
LCA did not start out as a “hunting charity”, and I have tried my best to get other outdoor activities involved. Yet, to date, almost 95% of all donations received were from hunters and hunting farms.
I always make sure before we help people or organisations that they know what we give to them, whether it is food or money, came from hunters or hunting farms.
In the past 10 years not one person or organisation declined the food or money we donated to them. may be tail drift.
Contibution from hunter and hunting farm, game meat only are just over 3.5 tons.